Minecraft movie
What is Minecraft movie

Minecraft movie: (noun.) A fever dream cooked up by AI Sponges hopped up on Promethazine and Friutsnacks. Side effects may include: uncontrollable urges to build dirt houses, sudden onset Diamond sword acquisition, and a severe case of Skibidi Toilet brainrot. May or may not feature Drake's snake as a creeper. NO DIDDY.
example of usage:
- Bro, the Minecraft movie was straight bussin', but also gave me severe Emotional Damage.
- After watching the Minecraft movie, all I can hear is 'HE HE HE HA' and the Jonkler laugh. Is he stupid?
- The Minecraft movie? More like the 'Morbin time' cinematic universe's long-lost cousin who listens to hyperpop daily and unironically says 'Gyatt'.
Forged in the fires of Generation Alpha's collective unconscious. Legends say the script was written entirely in Duolingo by a council of Discord mods during a Balkan Rage.